Jobs alert and types of jobs
What is a job
Job is the work. It is not your personal work. Job is the name of the work you do for others and make money. For searching a good job you should know about job alerts. Different types of jobs like government jobs, private jobs, and online jobs.
Types of jobs
There are a lot of jobs types in which we serve and take money in which types of jobs the two types are very popular
One is a full-time job
second is a Part-time job
Full-time job
In this time job, you do work mostly 8 hours a day but the company can call you at any time as per company requirements. The full job you go daily at the office or workplace and perform your particular duty and after the completion of your duty hours, you come back to your home/ residence. In a full-time job, the company pays you a mostly monthly basis. Otherwise, some companies pay you weekly. Mostly peoples proffered government jobs as a full-time job. But the government jobs can not be fulfilled for everyone. Due to this people perform their duty in private jobs.
jobs in Pakistan:
Part-time job:
A part-time job is just for a few hours a day in which you perform your tasks and make money. In this job type, you can drive a car for someone and he pays you for this. These types of jobs are totally private jobs. Because Government jobs can not perform as a part-time job. Many Private jobs mentioned
Stock manages
Many jobs publish in newspapers and online websites.
in these websites mentioned as categories and job types like
Government jobs
Pakistan jobs
Punjab jobs
psc jobs
part-time jobs
Government jobs vs private jobs
Most of the peoples preferred govt jobs because the government jobs have facilities especially partition facilities and medical. Private jobs are freedom jobs where you do work and after that you are free.
Freelancing jobs (Online jobs)
In all types of jobs, freelancing is new in trend before this it was not a preferable job but now the people give it a priority. Freelancing is a freedom job its means the job with your freedom. Freelancing give you the facility to work from home. Do your work and make money. Peoples give you some tasks online as per your expertise and they pay after the completion of that task. you can do this as a full-time job or as a part-time job even you can perform as part-time.
there are different platform gives you the facility to work online This website pays you as per hour.